Thursday, October 9, 2008
Week #8 in review
We don't catch many hawks, since the nets we use are really designed for small songbirds. Their mesh size is too small for hawks like this to really get struck in. Male Sharp-shinned Hawks are pretty small, and that's what we'd typically catch. This was only our second Coop. And it was a first for RRBO veteran bird bander Beth Johnson.
Sparrow season continues. The last to arrive are Fox Sparrows, but they are worth waiting for. Very handsome.
And while the majority of the warblers being banded now are Yellow-rumps, Orange-crowned Warblers have been coming through, and there are still several Nashville Warblers each week. This male Black-throated Blue Warbler was another straggler.
American Robins are also common now. Bander Darrin O'Brien's purple-stained fingers attest to the fruity diet of some robins he'd just handled!
Things have picked up the last couple of weeks, but are still not as busy as we might expect this time of year. If our modestly increased pace continues, we will at least not end up with the worst fall season in our history, but alas we will not make it to our 30,000th bird banded as I had hoped. That milestone will have to wait until next year.
Don't forget to check out our special offer for fall RRBO donors!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Week #7 in review
The adult below was a lot nicer looking. There is a subtle difference in the eye color of young and adult White-throated Sparrows. Young ones have gray-brown eyes, adults are a richer reddish brown color. This is best seen in bright light.
And to round off the sparrow gallery are these White-crowned Sparrows. Unlike White-throats, the difference in the head stripe color is strictly age-related, with the young birds having tan stripes, and the adults black and white.
So far, I've had a modest number of recaptures of passage migrants (those species that only use this area during migration, but don't breed or winter here). The species recaptures so far have been Gray-cheeked Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, American Redstart, Ovenbird, and Common Yellowthroat. Of the 12 individuals, all but 3 gained weight, the average being 7% of their original body mass. As a general rule of thumb, birds need to gain 3 to 5% to make another night's flight. Our analyses have indicated that the majority of individual birds do gain weight on stopver here at UM-Dearborn, but this varies widely between species. Most thrushes, for instance, gain a lot of weight. White-throated Sparrows overall tend to lose weight. This focus of our research will be discussed in upcoming posts.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sampling for avian flu
The Landbird Monitoring Network of the Americas (LaMNA; RRBO is a charter member) and UCLA's Center for Tropical Research initiated a program in 2006 to learn more about the identity, frequency, and geographic distribution of virus sub-types and strains carried by landbirds. Sampling for avian flu is done at migration monitoring stations such as RRBO, breeding bird stations (Monitoring Avian Production and Survivorship, or MAPS), and wintering bird stations in Latin America (Monitoreo de Sobrevivencia Invernal, or MoSI).
Sampling only takes an extra minute during our banding process. It consists of taking a very tiny sterile swab and sampling cells shed from the intestines at the entrance to the cloaca. The tip of the swab is cut off and placed in a vial of preservative. Two tail feathers are also taken. These can be used in stable isotope analysis, which can give us an idea of where a bird nested. Identifying the breeding areas of birds will help researchers map out where certain strains of virus originate.
Since beginning this project, RRBO has contributed over 300 samples of nearly 50 species. Some are migrants, and some are residents. For many years, we didn't band House Sparrows, beginning during a period when the band size they take (shared by abundant migrants such as thrushes, White-throated, White-crowned, and Song Sparrows) was in short supply. Now they are a valuable species to sample for viruses due to their communal nature and urban haunts. Here's a young male House Sparrow who donated a few cells and two feathers to science.
Sampling will continue through fall here on campus. Then I'll sample at my nearby home to use up any remaining vials -- I'm one of the only banders in the state that provides winter samples to the project.
This is just another way RRBO is making a contribution to a wider understanding of birds in North America. To learn more, check out these links:
- LaMNA avian influenza research project page
- UCLA's Center for Tropical Research Avian Influenza Virus in North American Migratory Birds page
- RRBO's frequently asked questions about avian influenza and migratory birds
- NPR's The Environment Report, April 2006, on this project, in which I was interviewed.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Week # 6 in review
This is likely the brightest young male Blackburnian Warbler I've ever banded in the fall. Usually they stay pretty high in the trees so I don't catch many of them. They are always a treat.
Last week I was catching female Black-throated Blue Warblers, but this week I had a few males. Beautiful!
I expect to see Philadelphia Vireos between 15 and 25 September...they are pretty prompt and have a tight migration window. I just couldn't capture how fresh and bright the yellow on this bird was, but it was a beauty.
I like the fiesty personality of vireos, and my favorite species is Blue-headed Vireo. I don't catch many of them either, so I was happy to see this one. Isn't it gorgeous?
Another infrequently banded species is Eastern Phoebe. This photo doesn't show the nice, subtle yellowish color of the breast. The picture also makes it look a little more rotund than usual. They say the camera always adds a few pounds...
I banded our second Connecticut Warbler of the fall, today, too, but the photos are still in the camera.
On Sunday, September 28, the Detroit Audubon Society is having a field trip here, and it's open to the public. It will include short walks on the trails, and a look at birds in the hand, should we have some to show. I'll be available to answer all your burning questions. This program is weather permitting: we'll not be banding if it is windy or raining, or threatening rain. Meet on the south patio of the Environmental Interpretive Center (EIC) at 8 AM. Directions to campus and a campus map are linked about halfway down this page on the RRBO web site.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Week # 5 in review
Savannah Sparrows are another handsome streaky-breasted species, but the streaks are wide and on a clean white breast, rather than fine streaks on a beige "vest."
One thing you learn early on as a bander: if you catch a grosbeak, give it something besides your fingers to bite! And there's a new face at RRBO who will learn this lesson soon...
I'd like to introduce the newest member of our banding crew, Dana Wloch (and her friend, a Nashville Warbler). Dana is a UMD student with a strong, lifelong interest in birds and wildlife. She tells us that the historical figure she'd most like to have dinner with is Charles Darwin, and the obsolete object she can't seem to part with is a dried up fish given to her as a gift. Dana is refreshingly enthusiastic and a fast learner...I hope she can put up with