Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Spring surveys: Week 9, final edition

The transition from migration season to breeding season is essentially complete. For the week ending today, 55 species were recorded on campus on 4 survey days. Nearly all were resident or locally breeding species.

True passage migrants were:
  • Swainson's Thrush (8 June, a new late date for spring in Dearborn by one day)
  • Magnolia Warbler (4 June)
And local breeders (although not on-site) were:
  • Broad-winged Hawk (6 June)
  • American Redstart (4 June)
  • Common Yellowthroat (5 June)
With thick foliage concealing often-silent females, finding late migrants is often a matter of luck. Birding at this buggy time is enough of a challenge that many people quit going out late in May. I have June records for most northern migrants, and I'm sure they are probably more common than even these records indicate. I'll still go out and see what I can find a few times in the next week or so, but the formal spring survey period is over. In my next post, I'll be summarizing the whole season.

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