A Northern Waterthrush banded here on campus on 30 April 2007 was recaptured and released at Cedar Grove Ornithological Station in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin on 21 October 2008. The map below shows the location of Cedar Grove with a red marker, and our location in blue (click to enlarge).

But several more factors make the recovery of this waterthrush even more unusual.
- The warbler and the sparrow are short-distance migrants, wintering in the U.S. The waterthrush is a long distance migrant. After we banded it, it probably nested in northern Michigan or Canada, then it likely spent the winter somewhere in the West Indies or perhaps Central America (you can view a range map here). Then it went north, nested again, and was headed back south along the western shore of Lake Michigan when it was captured at Cedar Grove.
- Cedar Grove is a hawk banding station. For over 50 years, raptors have been banded at Cedar Grove, and small songbirds are only captured incidentally!
- I've banded 167 Northern Waterthrushes during spring migrations, but only one has had a bill deformity...this one! So I happened to have photographs of it, which are below.

This slight deformity apparently did not hinder the bird prior to it being banded. It had a lot of fat, and at 22.1 grams, it was the second heaviest waterthrush RRBO has handled in spring, with the average being 18.0 grams.
Update: I've heard from one of the banders in charge at Cedar Grove. He told me that because they do not really "process" songbirds, the waterthrush was not checked for fat or weighed, nor was any abnormality noted. Bummer. I've caught only a few birds banded by other people (the last one was a Ruby-crowed Kinglet in 2005), but -- perhaps because I'm so astonished that it happens at all -- I give them a really thorough going-over.
Well how cool is that?
I also think its very cool!!! However, after looking at the data of birds banded and recaptured out of state, I was more amazed at the White Throated Sparrow that was caught in 2006 (6 1/2 years after its original band)
Jeff, we were amazed, too!
wow! -- just wow! ---
Congratulations on this rare event. It must make all of the time spent more worthwhile. I learned a lot from this.
Wow, that's really cool!
That is a really cool recovery!
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